Sunday, June 1, 2008

Library Thingy

I had a chance to try LibraryThing, and added some books to "my library." I also was able to add book cover illustrations for some of my titles. The link is:

I'm not at all sure this is something I will use. I do wonder if it would be useful for a project I've had in mind. I would like a small catalog of the piano music books we have at home. However, it would only be worthwhile if LibraryThing included the song titles that each book contains. Also, I would want to then use LibraryThing to create an alphabetical list of song titles, giving the book title and the page number for each song.


Hermes-san said...

There's always Excel. :D

MangoManDan said...

Fair enough, oh hermes-san. I'm thinking that would involve LOTS of typing, or some fancy work with photocopies and an OCR program. Perhaps a project for a rainy year.